You’ve probably heard the term “international marketing” in the media, news, social media, and so on, but you may not know what it means. International marketing refers to any international activity across borders that can satisfy the needs of other customers.

Various brands often use international marketing to develop and introduce their name to the world and adopt specific strategies to attract more customers. In this article, we will introduce you to the concept of international marketing and provide you with a complete explanation of its importance, advantages, and features.

Features of International Marketing

International Marketing requires expertise and managerial skills that must be performed by knowledgeable and skilled people. All the features included in modern marketing are also present in international or global marketing to make it a unique opportunity for business expansion.

International marketing has been developed to meet the needs of customers worldwide to create a win-win situation for both the exporter and the customers. In this section, we want to introduce you to the most important features of international marketing in exporting greenhouse products and the like, so we recommend that you stay with us in this section

Providing the possibility of exchange between companies and foreign customers

Inclusion of two or more countries

The uniqueness of the strategy for each country

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Advantages of International Marketing in Export

International Marketing can be an excellent opportunity to expand a business and introduce a company on a global scale. Economic recessions are of significant importance to all countries, which is why every country strives to be successful in international marketing. This also allows countries to utilize excess production, which is one of the most important advantages of global marketing.

In the following, we will introduce you to some of the most common advantages of international marketing

Protection against economic recession

By being present in different markets, companies can reduce their risk of economic recession in a particular country. If one country experiences a recession, demand in other markets can help compensate for it.

Providing competitive advantages

Access to new resources, knowledge, and technology can help companies improve the quality of their products and services and increase their competitiveness in global markets.

Creating job opportunities

Expanding the activities of companies internationally can lead to the creation of new jobs in various fields such as production, marketing, sales, and after-sales service.

Market expansion

International marketing allows companies to reach new customers around the world and increase their market share.

Effective use of surplus production

Companies can increase their profitability by exporting their surplus production to other countries and making full use of their production capacity.

Types of International Marketing

International businesses and well-known companies choose a specific type of international marketing based on their business type and the products they offer. This usually starts with exporting and licensing for companies, turning them into a hub for meeting the needs of customers abroad.

International marketing has various types, each of which examines a business, its production, and the export of its products in the global arena. In this section, we will introduce you to some of the types of international marketing, so we recommend that you stay with us until the end.


Licensing is a type of permission and contract that is made between two foreign and domestic companies or organizations, in which they grant each other intellectual property rights. Licensing is one of the types of international marketing that can be used to introduce your business to other organizations abroad.

This license is usually prepared for use in a specific period and will no longer be usable after its expiration date. In other words, this license is a privilege for two companies or two organizations that has a specific date and time frame


Exporting refers to the direct shipment of any goods to another country by companies or organizations within the country. Producers who are looking to increase their revenue and expand their business are constantly trying to make this possible by exporting their products to other countries.

Exporting is one of the most important types of international marketing that can easily lead to extensive advertising and increased recognition of an organization in the international arena. Exporting also carries the least risk and danger for companies compared to other types of global marketing.

Green Lantern: The Leading International Marketing Services Provider

Green Lantern (fanus sabz) is one of the best pioneers in exporting agricultural products to other countries, with a current focus on the cultivation and export of bell peppers. With the help of experienced and specialized agricultural engineers, this company has been able to produce high-quality greenhouse products and export them to countries such as Russia and the Eurasian countries.
Green Lantern’s export terminal has a global reputation for the production, cultivation, and marketing of greenhouse products, including fruits, vegetables, and melons. The company is also recognized as a leading exporter of agricultural products in the international marketing arena, with a commitment to environmental sustainability being one of its main goals.


International Marketing is a way to establish a dynamic and constructive relationship with neighboring countries in order to expand and boost a business. All countries need to export and trade with other countries to survive and meet their food needs, which can be achieved through proper and اصولی international marketing.
In this article, we tried to introduce you to the importance of this topic for all countries and international businesses. It is worth mentioning that Green Lantern Export Terminal is one of the leading companies in the field of exporting all kinds of greenhouse products with a global reputation.

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