With the global population on the rise, food demand is expected to increase significantly. In this context, Export of Food Products can serve as a golden opportunity for economic growth and foreign exchange earnings for countries.
صادرات مواد غذایی - فانوس سبز
محصولات غذایی صادراتی - شرکت فانوس سبز

Types of Exportable Food Products

The food industry can be broadly divided into two categories: raw and processed. Both categories have their own nutritional value and are popular among consumers. Raw agricultural products have always been in high demand, and they can be exported in various forms, including canned goods.

In fact, any type of food can be exported to other countries under the right conditions that ensure its quality remains intact. Here is an overview of some of the most common food products that can be exported:

Vegetables and Legumes

Countries like Armenia, Russia, Georgia, and others are interested in importing vegetables and legumes, which can be exported in dried or processed form.


Seafood products like caviar from Iran are among the most valuable food products in the world, and many countries are eager to import them from Iran.

Dried Products

The export of dried food products such as pasta and noodles is also popular worldwide, and neighboring countries are potential markets for these products.

Perishable Products

Milk and sauces are perishable products that can spoil if not stored at the proper temperature and conditions. Therefore, it is crucial to follow the necessary storage guidelines for these products.

Fanus Sabz: A Leading Export of Food Products

Fanus Sabz is one of the top and most successful companies exporting various food products, especially agricultural products like bell peppers, in Iran. The company has been active for many years in the field of cultivating greenhouse and agricultural products and has become one of the largest and leading Export of Food Products from Iran to other countries. The company’s food export activities are mainly focused on Russia and the Eurasian countries. It’s worth noting that the company’s cultivation and exporte activities are mostly focused on bell peppers. Bell peppers are a popular product in Iran and are cultivated with exemplary quality by the expert team of Fanus Sabz.
export product food - fanoos sabz


Considering the importance of exporting food products to other countries, it is expected that this topic will be discussed and analyzed more in the coming years. Securing food is of high importance for every country, and no country can independently produce all its agricultural products, especially with high quality.

We have tried to introduce you to the importance of this topic and the leading exporter of food and greenhouse products in our country. You can visit the main page of the website to see the list of Fanus Sabz’s export products and gain more information.